
The Impossible Quiz of Unthinkable Evil...and a J-POP song

Here it is! The Impossible Quiz of Unthinkable Evil!!! Oh scroll down if you are just here for the J-POP.

The Impossible Quiz of Unthinkable Evil is, in fact, possible. All the answers are either in a lesson or in that HUGE article about Japanese. But those colors are definitely EVIL! Those of you who live to make it with at least a 60% recieve a pwetty picture. Or you can ask really really nicely! 

Click the ginormous picture for zoom. If you can find the one typo in the quiz you get one make-up point. :D

(click the picture for zoom)

(Here are your EVIL hints.)
{1} Which one is correct? No, this isn't that confusing color quiz thing.
{2} Guess "a" or "b" or just cheat and use the internets
{3} There are two correct answer to this one.
{4} Ask your Mom
{5} a) が b) ご c) ...1010?
{6} Don't mention her eating disorder. That's not nice. :L
{7} What's up with this question?
{8} Think of the jar...
{9} There isn't a million -- such a helpful hint. OK fine, there is an even amount!
{10} きげき ("comedy") (This is a hint to question II.)

So you're just here for the J-POP then? For those who haven't access to Google in the past century, J-POP is essentially the "genre" describing Japanese music after failing to sort them by style. J-POP is unique in the way it blends genres. I feel sorry for iTunes having to label hundreds of thousands of J-POP songs.

Q by AAA -- a dance group. (Comes from the word, "Quiz". )

Oh, I forgot to mention that J-POP also makes no sense and their PV's, what they call music videos, make no sense. The J-POP song just adds an evil cherry to the top of an allready evil icecream sundae. くくく! (The Japanese equivilent to, "MUHAHA!".)


Day 2

So yesterday was quite the lesson! 10 minutes was past my intentions, but as an introductory lesson I thought I would make an exception. Most of these lessons will be 3-5 minutes in length. In order to make these daily I will have to be light on the effects and trimmings so these are pretty rough. I could make these lessons longer and combine them if people wanted. What do you think?

Clicky for the PDF!

Clicky for the Audio!

Today's song is "キミに こいを する” by Ken Hirai.
--Note to those who finished the lesson, the "こい" in this song is "romantic love" not "koi fish". It's a homonym. :)


Issues with nihonGO!

Sadly, nihonGO! has gotten on a slow start. I made some videos on quicktime but I haven't been able to upload them to youtube nor have gotten the hang of teaching online just yet.  I promise to record lesson 2 audio tomorrow and so on. So expect 7 lessons by Monday. As for youtube videos, I'm unsure how I can use quicktime to upload.

Thank you for you patience!
ほんとうに すみません!


Step 1) Day 1

Today is your first real day with nihonGO! Today we will cover the first 5 characters of ひらがな (Hiragana). You will need both the written lesson and the audio located below! Each lesson is around ten minutes of EXCRUCIATING PAI-- er me talking....

Click me for lesson!

Click me for the podcast!

Today's song is "たびだち" by GReeeeN. ("Starting of a Trip")