
Pre-Artwork (Not a Lesson :P)

It's tough being a student and a teacher during one's last year in HS but it's paying off. :) I really enjoy it and starting next semester I will get double the amount of time to do it. (Hurray!) Anyways I thought it would be funny to let you see what my work looks like when I'm not rushed. Here are the "prototypes" of Will and Mochiko. (nihonGO's Mascots... I waited until we learned ひりがな to introduce them to you...because I wanted you to see their names in Japanese.)

  • もちこさん

She had blue eyes and brown hair? lol wut?

  • ウィルさん (うぃるさん)
...Yeah...I don't think he even remind me of Will. XD

I decided to make them into チビ (chibi, aka really small and cute) because it took much less time to draw. XD It's one thing to make a lesson, a recording and then to blog it, but with drawing full pictures it would have taken me a whole day to make a lesson -- and I am a senior so I can't afford to do that. (It now takes me an hour to record a lesson, 45 min. to create a lesson and I spend another 30 minutes doodling FYI. It was much higher when I started. XD)

Well you will be seeing these...well their alpha-designs..of these characters a lot more often starting from lessons 19 onward. ^0^


  1. Nice drawings! They look great! Matchiko and Will. Will's not a very Japanese sounding name though but I guess it works! Haha! Hey do we have class today? If there isn't, I'll get out of the classroom. :)

  2. Hey! I love your drawings! Mochiko and Will huh? Although Will's not a very Japanese sounding name. Haha! Do we have class today? Gabe and I were wondering.

  3. Thanks. :3

    Mochiko is Japanese but Will is an American studying abroad in Japan. The story comes in a special lesson at the end of the month (lesson 20).

    Yes, we had class already. (Sorry to be late in reply but I was probably making the last touches to the lessons.)

    We won't have class next week and I haven't scheduled class for the week afterwords but there will be one. :)


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