
Day 4)

Last weekend I was a bit busy. I took the SAT II subject test: Japanese. Other than the listening it was on the easy side. Usually on these tests there is a "STOP!!!!" where you obviously stop and wait on the teacher. Well, apprently there wasn't a "STOP!!!" between the grammar and reading sections so I waited 10 minutes before I realised, "Hey! I can continue!". So I managed to complete the reading section afterall because I wipped through the grammar section. I still freaked out nonetheless. XD

There was no description of the test before I took it, but funny enough the lesson plans I made for this class should be just enough to get a good score on the test. にほんGO! covers most of the test and a bit beyond. :D So you can get some credit for this class afterall!

Here for Lesson
Here for Podcast

Today's music video is Uverworld's D-Technolife. It's a music video don't strain too much over the MV. Oh, in Japan it's quite popular to use English band names. (Song names too but mainly band names.)

PS) Since にほんGO! will have a lot of lessons thoughout its life there will be a large variety of songs from every genre and sub-genre. If you don't like the songs so far, there WILL be one you'll like eventually. :D It's good for your ears to adjust to Japanese in a variety of situations anyways so I reccomend you try to listen to them.

{EDIT} I fixed the top date "Day 2" and the mix up with じ and ぢ on the last page.


  1. Hey Jacob! i can't open the podcast for some reason... i can't even click the "here" button... just a fyi!

  2. Oh, I haven't uploaded the podcast for this lesson yet! XD Haha I know, I will get it up soon! Usually it takes me longer to get the podcast up.

    I'm sorry. XD
    Thanks for the feedback though it is really encouraging!

  3. ah okay, sorry 'bout that! Thanks!


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